School, work and school has eaten up all my time. My mind has been full of equations, trying to balance work and family life and the worst of it is I have not been in my kayak for a while. Hence the lag in posts... well I decided to do something about it. I had a couple friends who wanted to fish redfishville with me and their plans got changed but I was bound and determined to go anyways. I loaded the yak and gear and headed out after an awesome lunch of shrimp and grits made by yours truly. it was my first time makin them and if I do say so they were good. I headed out and got to the landing. It started to rain. Don't care I am fishin. Paddled out and the water wasn't up in the grass enough so I set up on a pocket and threw out a chunk of mullet. About 40 seconds later my rod was bent over and the drag was screamin. I grabbed it reeled in a nice 24" redfish. My hands were shakin like it was my first redfish. I was pumped up now!

I got the rod re-baited and another one joined me for a photo op. I set up the rod with the new Penn Battle 4000 on it and decided to give the new reel a try. I must have dropped that bait on the head of something BIG... before I could put the rod in a holder I felt like my arm was about to be ripped out it's socket. A LONG drag screamin run and the line was slack. Reeled it in and what ever it was broke me off. I nabbed 3 more, another 24" and two rats about 14", and the lightning started. Reluctantly I tied it up and started to paddle in. The storm kinda blew over and was moving south so I decided to paddle into the grass in an old honey hole I used to fish... The breeze was perfect... just enough to keep you cool and the bugs down. I set up the rods and before too long I heard what sounded like a drag going. I looked at the spool and the spool was turning slowly. Just like the movies it all started to go in slow motion.... I looked at the rod tip and it was bent way over, I reached out for the rod and as I got my hands on it the drag began to sing the song we all long to hear. This is where everything went back to regular speed ala Saving Private Ryan, and the fight was on. This fish was a stud. Plain and simple. I watched as it thrashed on top about 40 yards in front of me and I saw the grass laying down in great swaths as it moved to deeper water. I knew there were oyster bars that way so I out the screws to him and got him turned back to the grass. I watched as he peeled off line and saw the grass being flattened by the line as he ran. I started gaining line and got him closer to the kayak. Yep a stud just like I thought. About 30" and F-A-T. This one was like me, we don't miss a meal. As he ran for deeper water he turned my kayak around and I went for may favorite pastime at the ville.. A redneck sleigh ride. It was short but he dragged me and the yak about 30ft when he tired out and I was able to reel him in. Up to the kayak, lip-gripped him and in the yak. Right at 30" and 12 and 1/2 pounds.

The bright copper color and the drumming sound made me stop for a second. I love these fish. I nabbed a few more to bring my total for the evening to 9. One stud, 4 slot to just over slot fish and 4 rats. I started to paddle back to the landing and noticed some top water action. I threw a Rapala Skitter-pop for a while til I snagged the kayak and headed in. I stopped off at the Dog and Duck in Park West for a cold beer and Reuben sandwich, which I highly suggest by the way, and recounted my fishing with my buddy Carter. I headed home and just relaxed. I really needed this day. Days like this are the best kind of therapy anyone can get. Now I just have to find time to do it again... SOON.